Check in 4 – Kalina Dimitrova

CHECK IN Curator Marcus Graf Georgi Georgiev / Jorrras | 17.05 – 26.05 Sevda Semer | 28.05 – 06.06 Martian Tabakov | 08.06 – 16.06 Kalina Dimitrova | 18.06 – 27.06 Gallery Collect opens its doors with Check-In as a curatorial experiment that goes beyond the form and concept of a traditional art exhibition for …

Check in 3 -Martian Tabakov

CHECK IN Curator Marcus Graf Georgi Georgiev / Jorrras | 17.05 – 26.05 Sevda Semer | 28.05 – 06.06 Martian Tabakov | 08.06 – 16.06 Kalina Dimitrova | 18.06 – 27.06 Gallery Collect opens its doors with Check-In as a curatorial experiment that goes beyond the form and concept of a traditional art exhibition for …

Check in 2 – Sevda Semer

CHECK IN Curator Marcus Graf Georgi Georgiev / Jorrras | 17.05 – 26.05 Sevda Semer | 28.05 – 06.06 Martian Tabakov | 08.06 – 16.06 Kalina Dimitrova | 18.06 – 27.06 Gallery Collect opens its doors with Check-In as a curatorial experiment that goes beyond the form and concept of a traditional art exhibition for …