Two forces that create one another
crayon on paper
In “Two forces that create one another”, Sevda Semer focuses on a culture of hypocritical, depthless acceptance of difference, in which words serve only to articulate political correctness. At the heart of the project is a text from which can be read only parts of sentences that have survived under the fierce strikethrough and layering of drawings on them. This approach documents a process of a search for a language where narratives from previous projects have disintegrated into artistic gestures that create clear, strong messages.
The artworks are envelopes for letters, which should be documents from intimate correspondence, but their addressee has been altered so many times that in practice they are addressed to everyone. The contents of the envelopes remain hidden – the fact of their existence is more important. The letters have freed themselves from the restrictions of the sheets of paper

Sevda Semer
1990’da Sofya’da doğan Semer, burada Ulusal Antik Dil ve Kültürler Lisesi’nden mezun oldu. Erken dönem eserleri; kitapları konu alan sanatçı, sonrasında çizim ve baskının yanı sıra, yerleştirme ve performans sahalarında da çalışmaya başladı. Buna rağmen, Semer için eserlerinin tamamı olabilecek en genel anlamda kitap fikrine sığmakta. Sanatçı Kopenhag’da yaşıyor ve çalışmalarını sürdürüyor.